Helping overloaded professionals reduce stress and improve health.

With my guidance, you learn to:

  • Reconnect with your needs and prioritize self-care
  • Regain focus and enhance your performance
  • Improve your health and well-being
  • Reconnect with nature to bring calm and balance

Do these struggles sound familiar?


Trapped in a cycle of stress and overwhelm

The demands of work leave little time for self-care or meaningful connection, creating a constant feeling of being overwhelmed.

How I help: I guide you through mindfulness techniques and stress management strategies to break free from this cycle, regain control, and create more balance in your life.


Lost sight of personal values and priorities

The relentless pursuit of success can cause a disconnect from what truly matters, leaving you feeling unfulfilled and adrift.

How I help: Through values clarification exercises and personalised coaching, I help you reconnect with your core values and align your actions with your deepest priorities.


Neglecting personal relationships and wellbeing

The demands of work often take priority over personal relationships and self-care, leading to feelings of isolation and burnout.

How I help: I offer support in establishing healthy boundaries, creating space for meaningful connections, and developing self-care routines that nourish your mind, body, and spirit.


Digital overload, nature deficit, out of balance

Long hours spent indoors and in front of screens can leave you feeling disconnected from the natural world and your inner calm.

How I help: I guide you through nature-based practices, mindfulness exercises, and grounding techniques to foster a deeper connection with the natural world and cultivate inner peace.

Happy clients

See what others thought and how much of an impact coaching had on their lives.

I wanted to say a big THANK YOU for the session yesterday. It was very interesting to think about the different parts of me in a holistic way. You are a fantastic listener with a calm and friendly approach, just what you need in a coach. And talking through my ‘professional problem’ in such a structured way was extremely helpful. I feel my self-confidence has grown overnight. And I was feeling proud to tell someone in a shop today that I am actually a meditation teacher. We talked a bit further and he offered me the opportunity to do a little session at the River Festival 😀🙏🏼I’m so very grateful to you 🤗

Anne Schuetz

Anne Schuetz

I just wanted to say thank you so much for today, it was really nice to connect with you and you gave me so many insights into myself and the list is really helpful. I know it is a bit overwhelming but it is really helpful and sometimes it just shows by having a chat with someone else how things can work better and they sort of just fall into place a little bit easier, so thank you as I will now sit and incorporate those slowly into my life.

Pritti Saggi

I thoroughly enjoyed my session with you. I was impressed with your knowledge and you were professional at all times. I also appreciated the follow-up phone call as agreed to check on my progress. This motivated me to stay on track so thank you. I like visual aids and so I found the coaching plan very supportive in my journey to meet my coaching aims. Overall, I was hugely satisfied with our work together and would definitely recommend your health coaching service to anyone who requires a holistic and empathetic approach.

Ula Adamek

How I can help you be happier



Ready to overcome your challenges and experience personal transformation? One-to-one coaching is tailored to your unique journey, providing you with motivation, guidance, and dedicated support. Let’s have a conversation about how we can work together to eliminate your struggles and empower you to thrive.


Employee wellbeing programmes

Is burnout and stress impacting your team? My workshops equip employees with the skills to manage stress, reconnect with their goals, and foster a more positive work environment. Contact me today to explore how my employee workshops can transform your company culture and help your team reach their full potential.


Become your own superhero

Exciting news! Get ready to unlock your full potential with my upcoming self-help program, designed to empower you to overcome challenges, embrace your authentic self, and create a life you truly love. Be the first to know when it launches and embark on your transformative journey!

Get started now

Still in doubt? Ask yourself:
To figure out if you should go for coaching ask yourself – Will my life change if I don’t?

Ready to transform your life and reach your full potential?

  • Are you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by the demands of your career?
  • Do you struggle to set and maintain healthy boundaries, often putting others’ needs before your own?
  • Are you feeling disconnected from loved ones due to work pressures?
  • Are you struggling to focus and perform at your best?
  • Are you longing for a sense of calm and balance?
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