Why do you need me as your coach?

Have you ever struggled with imposter syndrome and low self-esteem while running your own business?

If you resonate with these challenges, I want you to know that you’re not alone and I’m here to provide you with the guidance and support you need, using a trauma-informed and mindfulness-based approach that truly understands your unique journey.

With years of experience supporting businesses and through a personal transformation journey, I’ve honed my ability to offer understanding-based solutions that can profoundly impact your life.

As a certified Health and Wellness Coach, I create a nurturing and safe space, fostering a loving community where you can peel back the layers and rediscover your inner strength. My goal is to empower you to transform your professional and personal life, allowing you to step into your full potential.

As a Mindfulness and Meditation teacher, I blend my expertise with a deep love for nature, providing a holistic healing experience that encompasses your mind, body, and soul.

You deserve a life filled with joy, balance, and strong self-belief, and I’m here to help you achieve just that. Let’s begin an honest conversation about how I can support you on this transformative journey towards success, self-discovery, and lasting fulfilment.

Kasia Hetman, dipCNM, mANP, mUKIHCA

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