— Work with me

One-on-one coaching programme

More about
individual coaching programme

You need coaching if you’re a driven woman entrepreneur who:
  • Battles imposter syndrome, self-doubt, or low self-esteem.
  • Struggles to set healthy boundaries while managing a business.
  • Craves a roadmap for personal and professional success.
  • Wants to conquer fears and limiting beliefs.
  • Seeks a supportive network of like-minded women.

Join my program and empower your journey towards success, self-discovery, and lasting fulfilment!

My transformational one-on-one coaching programme will enable you to:
  • Silence your inner critic that questions your decisions and capabilities.
  • Build resilience against the fear of failure and rejection in business ventures.
  • Overcome the fear of not being qualified enough to run your business.
  • Transform your relationships, both personal and professional.

What you will gain from the coaching programme for women entrepreneurs?

Unleash your full potential
My coaching program is tailored to help you unlock your innate capabilities and tap into your fullest potential, both personally and professionally.

Banish self-doubt
Say goodbye to imposter syndrome and self-doubt. I provide you with the tools and strategies to boost your self-confidence, empowering you to confidently navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship.

Master boundary-setting
Learn how to establish and maintain healthy boundaries, enabling you to protect your time, energy, and wellbeing while effectively managing your business and personal life.

Craft your vision
Gain clarity and direction as you create a compelling vision for your future. I guide you through a process of visualizing and pursuing your desired path, ensuring that you’re on track to achieve your goals.

Conquer limiting beliefs
Overcome fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. My coaching equips you with strategies to reframe your mindset, paving the way for greater success and fulfilment.

Build a supportive network
Connect with a community of like-minded women entrepreneurs who understand your journey. You’ll receive the support, encouragement, and valuable connections needed to thrive in your business endeavours.

Empower your journey
With my coaching program, you’ll feel empowered to take control of your life and business success, equipped with the motivation and accountability necessary to make lasting positive changes.

Happy clients

I wanted to say a big THANK YOU for the session yesterday. It was very interesting to think about the different parts of me in a holistic way. You are a fantastic listener with a calm and friendly approach, just what you need in a coach. And talking through my ‘professional problem’ in such a structured way was extremely helpful. I feel my self-confidence has grown overnight. And I was feeling proud to tell someone in a shop today that I am actually a meditation teacher. We talked a bit further and he offered me the opportunity to do a little session at the River Festival 😀🙏🏼I’m so very grateful to you 🤗

Anne Schuetz

Anne Schuetz

I just wanted to say thank you so much for today, it was really nice to connect with you and you gave me so many insights into myself and the list is really helpful. I know it is a bit overwhelming but it is really helpful and sometimes it just shows by having a chat with someone else how things can work better and they sort of just fall into place a little bit easier, so thank you as I will now sit and incorporate those slowly into my life.

Pritti Saggi

Get started now

Still in doubt? Ask yourself:
To figure out if you should go for coaching ask yourself – Will my life change if I don’t?

Ready to transform your life and reach your full potential?

  • Are you frequently challenged by feelings of self-doubt, imposter syndrome, or low self-esteem?
  • Struggling to set and maintain healthy boundaries, often putting others’ needs before your own?
  • Do you find it difficult to visualize and pursue your desired path, both personally and professionally?
  • Are fears, doubts, or limiting beliefs holding you back from reaching your true potential?
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